Thursday, May 1, 2014

 So this is the finished Sourdough bread. Came out pretty good. I think next time me I'll do regular yeast since all I have is rapid rise for my bread machine.
This is the Whey bread. Came out yummy. Have to knead more next time. Went very well buttered with my Gnocci.
......and last but not least, my Bagels. Always a favorite. The homemade cream cheese, not so much.

More posts to come with recipes, pictures and directions.

I decided to treat myself this morning so I'm doing a hair mask right now.
Here are the ingredients and directions for that. Ready, it's a hard one.
1 tbsp Sunflower Oil (EVOO will work too)
1 tbsp Coconut Oil
3-4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
1 egg yolk
small sauce pan and a glass measuring cup

Take a small saucepan and put some water in it. Just enough so that when you put your glass measuring cup in it comes up about a half inch or so. If you have a double boiler, even better.
Heat up water, melt your oils, add lavender oil and yolk. Mix.
 Put mixture on hair and scalp, pin it up and do something else for 2 hours.
Rinse out, shampoo and condition if you really feel the need to.
See, tough stuff huh?
If you have oily hair, skip the yolk. If you have a lot of hair like me, you may need to double up on the recipe
Do this 2 to 3x a week for a month then 1x a week after that. Enjoy!!

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